Product Using
Contact Us
How do I track my order?
You can track your order by logging into your account on our website and navigating to the "My Orders" section. There, you'll find the tracking number for your order, which you can use to track the shipment on the carrier's website.
Can I cancel or modify my order after it has been placed?
Yes, you can cancel or modify your order within 24 hours of placing it. Please contact our customer service team as soon as possible with your order number, and they will assist you with the cancellation or modification.
What should I do if I receive a damaged or incorrect item?
If you receive a damaged or incorrect item, please contact our customer service team within 48 hours of receiving your order. Provide them with your order number, a description of the issue, and any relevant photos. We will arrange for a replacement or refund as soon as possible.
How long will it take to receive my order?
Firstly, due to the variety of colors and sizes, we begin production within 24 hours after the order is placed. The production process typically takes about 3-4 business days to complete, after which the order will be shipped. The shipping time varies based on the customer's location in the United States, usually taking about 5-10 business days. Therefore, from the time the order is placed, it will take approximately 10-15 days to receive the product.
Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we do ship internationally. Please note that shipping rates and delivery times may vary depending on the destination country. Any customs duties or taxes are the responsibility of the recipient.
Do I need to pay extra for shipping?
We offer free shipping for customers whose order amount exceeds $99.
What is your return policy?
If there are any quality issues with the product you receive, we will handle returns or exchanges according to your needs. If the damage is caused by personal reasons, you will be responsible for the loss.

We will carefully review each return and exchange request. This ensures fairness for every consumer.

What is your exchange policy?
If the item you receive does not match your order, we will provide a free exchange or offer store credit after our review and approval, based on your preference. You need to email us with your exchange request within 14 days. If more than 14 days have passed, we will assume that you accept and approve the received item.
Product Using
How can I inflate or deflate my balls?
Simply use our provided professional air pump for inflation and deflation.
How can I tell if my ball is sufficiently inflated?
When you see that the surface of the ball has a complete reflective effect and the seams appear smooth, it indicates that the ball is adequately inflated.
Can these balls be reused?
Of course. After deflation, they can be stored and taken to any place you wish to decorate.
How much do these balls weigh approximately?
It depends on the type of ball. On average, each ball weighs approximately after deflation: (40cm-1.3ft: 1.0kg) (60cm-2.0ft: 1.1kg) (90cm-3.0ft: 2.15kg) (120cm-4.0ft: 4.0kg) (150cm-5.0ft: 5.85kg) (180cm-6.0ft: 8.55kg) (240cm-8.0ft: 15.5kg) (300cm-10.0ft: 24.5kg).
Do the Balls have hooks to secure them in place?
Yes. Our Balls are specially designed with D-Rings so you can easily attach them to the ground, ceiling, or each other using zip ties or ropes (not included).
What temperatures are suitable for Big Shiny Balls?
Our Balls are built to withstand a wide range of temperatures, from as low as -20°C (-4°F) up to 45°C (113°F). In hot weather or direct sunlight, the balloons may expand (remember: air expands when heated and detracts when cooled). We do not recommend using our balls under extreme conditions.
How do I keep the surface reflective and the ball safe from leaks?
After each use, if you notice any dirt on the surface, simply wipe it with a soft cloth dipped in water. Avoid contact with sharp or pointed objects.
Why is there a hole next to the inflation valve?
This hole is designed to release the air between the inner and outer layers during inflation, allowing the two layers of PVC to fit tightly together. This ensures the ball remains fully inflated and provides a better reflective surface. Please do not block this hole.
Why does my ball deflate the moment I remove the pump?
All our balls come with an adjustable valve that regulates the flow of air. When the valve is open, air can move in both directions, leading to potential deflation when the pump is removed. However, once the valve is closed, it becomes one-way, preventing the air from escaping. There are two types of valves on our balloons. If your valve has a white button, simply push it in to close the valve. If your valve is grey, it needs to be pushed in and then given a 1/4 turn to secure it. Once the valve is correctly adjusted, your balloon should remain inflated even after you remove the pump.
Can I place my BIG Shiny Balls in water?
Yes! Our balls are designed to be versatile and water-friendly. You can certainly enjoy them as floating decorations in a pool. 
Can I hang my BIG Shiny Balls?
Yes, you can hang your balls provided they're not larger than the 8 ft. The prerequisite is that you need to ensure the place where you hang it and the rope you use can bear the weight of the ball. LetCool Mega Bling Balls is not liable for any damage from user error.
About Customize
If you feel that none of the products we offer meet your needs, or if you have your own design ideas for mirror balls, please let us know. We will communicate with you and bring your product to life. This will also motivate us to develop better products. We look forward to your email at let-cool@outlook.com.

If your design is adopted by us and successfully launched, we will offer you generous prizes or a cash reward.
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What is our service time?
24/7 online.